Gitlab Ci Run Python Script

Describe your question in as much detail as possible:
In my AWS SAM build-and-package step, the docker container fails to pull an image of python3.9. This issue suddenly started happening, and was note occurring in previous builds. Not sure if it’s an issue w/ docker containers, or not?


Docker - Could Not Find Python3 Image ... -

  • What are you seeing, and how does that differ from what you expect to see?
    I’m expecting the build to be successful, like below:

  • Consider including screenshots, error messages, and/or other helpful visuals
    Below is what I’m currently seeing:

First thing after importing repository into gitlab we need to create.gitlab-ci.yml. Gitlab itself has a lot of useful information about CI configuration, for example this and this. Previously I used to do following steps to test/compile/deploy manually: npm run build - to build all js/css; - to build docker container. In the root of your project, create a.gitlab-ci.yml file, set the following code, and substitute the #S3NAME# with the Amazon S3 bucket name you made to save the package: image: python:3.8 stages: - deploy Dev: stage: deploy beforescript: - pip3 install awscli -upgrade - pip3 install aws-sam-cli -upgrade script: - sam build - sam package.

  • What version are you on? Are you using self-managed or

    • GitLab (Hint: /help): Yes, on
    • Runner (Hint: /admin/runners): Shared runners for this project is enabled
  • Add the CI configuration from .gitlab-ci.yml and other configuration if relevant (e.g. docker-compose.yml)

  • What troubleshooting steps have you already taken? Can you link to any docs or other resources so we know where you have been?
    • Attempted changing image to python:3.9, rather than the current value.

Python Gitlab Example


Gitlab Ci Run Python Script Online

Thanks for taking the time to be thorough in your request, it really helps!